Saturday, October 26, 2013

travelling Postcard

We were asked to live the experience one people who we know and is not in New York would like to live if they were here. After living the experience we had to create a postcard symbolizing the experience and send to this person.

I asked a lot of different people what would they do if they were in New York, and I got answers as go to the Met rooftop, to the Apple store on Fifth Avenue, to discos, and to have a frozen yogurt at 16 Handles. The answer that I decided to choose, though, was the one that was impressively simplest and most beautiful; which was when my best friend answered that if she was in New York she would want to be with me.

He has never been here before so I decided to represent in my postcard the moment when we were both say goodbye after her first visit. I imagined we would be in the subway, right before she left to the airport. I started researching pictures with the interaction between to people saying goodbye and I found one I really liked.

The picture I chose as an inspiration is a picture of a boy and a girl hugging goodbye. I decided to use this image even though my best friend is a girl, because the goodbye represented was deep and beautiful.

In the postcard I wrote I hope she comes soon so I can show her all her favorite places in New York so the next time I ask her she know exactly what she would do if she were here.

The postcard is bellow:

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