Saturday, October 26, 2013

What's in a place - Group Assignment - Part 2

After collecting information at the Cafe 55 we planned some questions we would ask to people in an interview we were having the next week. The questions we decided to ask were:

1. Do you have a meal plan at the cafeteria? Is this one reason why you come here?
2. What times of the day do you eat here?
3. How do you rate the food in quality, variety and price?
4. How often do you come to the cafeteria?
5. Which foods do you usually eat?
6. Is there anything in this space that bothers you/ that you would like to change?

(of course we also added questions depending on each person's answer but mainly we could write this results objectively.

From the interviews we got to this results:

1. Meal Plan
Yes: 8
No: 3

2. Time of the day
Morning/Breakfast: 1
Lunch: 11
Dinner: 0

3. Food rating (in average)
Quality: 6.3
Variety: 6.29
Price: 5

4. How often they go to the cafeteria
1-2/week: 3
3-4/week: 3
5-6/week: 2
Everyday: 3

5. Food they eat often
Salad: 3
Yogurt: 3
Hot meal: 2
Flat bread: 2
Soup: 1
Sushi: 2

6. What they want to fix 
Not enough seats/tables:
Better Tables
Food changes
Space (Too small, etc)

We decided to make a graph to represent our results and visualize them better.

some of the pictures we took during the interview are bellow:

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